The Dr. Yum Project is proud to be in the "Food as Medicine Movement" with other organizations and physicians across the country. Our work to help families and communities overcomes barriers to eating well has been covered by many local and national media outlets below:

Doctor Swaps White Coat for Apron to Teach Patients about Healthy Eating
Dr. Yum featured in the "Inspiring America" segment of NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt

When the Prescription is a Recipe
Leading the "Food as Medicine" movement, The Dr. Yum Project's work was featured in the New York Times.

Virginia's First Lady "Astounded" by Work of The Dr. Yum Project
"I am astounded by the work you've done, and in such a short period of time," Virginia first lady Pamela Northam said, "(and) you have the data to prove it."

Dr. Yum Project joins national Veggies Early & Often campaign
The Dr. Yum Project has joined Partnership for a Healthy America to launch a national Veggies Early & Often program to encourage kids to eat more vegetables and to help adults identify the most nutritious products.

A Visit to Dr. Yum Means a Check up and a Cooking Class
Word of the Dr. Yum Project goes international in this article and video from the "Voice of America."
Part Test Kitchen, part doctor's office; Virginia pediatrician runs revolutionary practice
The sounds that escape Dr. Nimali Fernando’s pediatrics practice deviate from the typical sniffles, coughs and cries. A few of those may hover around the waiting room, but listen closely and you’ll also pick up chomping, cheering and, yes, cooking.
Dr. Yum's Recipe for Life
Pediatrician, Dr. Nimali Fernando, grew up in a Sri Lankan-American family where home-cooked meals were a tradition. In her a nutrition-based practice in Virginia, she often prescribes recipes instead of pills.

I've Seen the Future of Medicine and it's Dr. Yum
We were fortunate to have author Dr. Mark Winne visit our teaching kitchen and garden, the place where the road to wellness begins for many.
Dr. Yum Project Makes Healthy Eating Easy and Fun
The Dr. Yum Project features a comprehensive array of practical, easily applicable tools, instructional videos and step-by-step guidance to support families on their journey to wholesome nutrition and activities
Kitchen Pantry Hacks
Duke University experts share strategies for staples that make healthy, low-maintenance meals, including Dr. Yum's Meal-o-Matic
Produce Pack
The primary goal of this partnership is to make sure all families in our region have access to fresh, healthy food.
Helpful Strategies to Help Parents Reduce Food Waste
If you have small children or grandchildren, you may notice they can be picky eaters, gravitating to one kind of food, and not showing interest in trying anything new. We joined the team at Richmond's CBS affilate to share some helpful strategies to help parents reduce food waste.
Dr. Yum's Healthy Back to School Foods
Dr. Yum joined the morning crew at the Richmond CBS station to share her best tips on how to get the most out of your kids' lunches.
The Dr. Yum Project for Back to School
Dr Yum and her two young sons joined the Fox News Baltimore team in their kitchen to prepare a very simple, but delicious meal the entire family can prepare together and then sit down and enjoy.
Dr. Yum's Book Helps Combat Childhood Obesity
“Raising a Healthy, Happy Eater: A Stage-by-Stage Guide to Setting Your Child on the Path to Adventurous Eating” is a book that has become a popular tool among parents who are searching for simple ways to help their children learn to embrace healthy eating.
Taste the Dr. Yum Project ~ National Nutrution Month
Kids can be finicky when it comes to trying new foods, but it’s important to teach them good, healthy eating habits early.
Tips for RE-Thinking Eating for Better Heart Health
February is a Heart Health Month, making it the perfect time to find ways to re-think what we eat in order to help lead us to better heart health.
Try Cooking at Home to Avoid Unhealthy Foods and Added Sugar
With so much processed and convenience food available, many families have lost sight of the connection between food and health. The Dr. Yum Project sheds some light on our food choices and how we can develop sound eating and physical activity habits.